Saturday, August 14, 2010

This kid LOVES it!

I LUUUUVVV Kindergarten!!!!!!

These were j's first words as he got into my car at the end of his first day.

I knew he would, but didn't know to what extent. He seriously can't wait to read and be a big kid. He actually is getting frustrated that he doesn't know how to read yet. I guess I should have been working on it with him. Oh Well!

I am really liking his school. And he even got the teacher I was hoping he would get.

Mom is doing good too. I was a little weepy on my drive home, but as the day went one I realized this is a new phase for me too! Who knows what the Lord has. I still have 2 at home, but it's amazing what taking 1 of the 3 out of the situation does to the sanity. Really, it doesn't matter which one. If there are 3 of them, they feed off of each other and it's a little more chaotic.

We'll see how his excitement does as the weeks go on. He's been real tired at the end of the day, but I know he'll adjust.