I have officially hi-jacked Di's blog (cue evil maniacal laugh)! She was born Thursday, November 20, at 12:42 pm. She was officially named at 1:05 pm. We had a little indecision about what the final name was . . . She was 7 lb. 14 oz, 19 inches long with dark hair and puffy eyes. The doctor let me announce whether it was a boy or a girl, and, after incorrectly identifying body parts for about 20 seconds, (it's not as easy as you may think) I told Di "it's a girl!" Turns out Di was fully expecting a boy; I think I was expecting a girl. She has a much softer cry than J and M, but she does share the "natural gas" trait with them. (Whenever M passes gas, she looks up and says "toot toot" - it's hilarious) So we're now sitting here in the hospital, trying to wake O up so Di can feed her. This will be our life for awhile, so I'm sure Di will post something when something in our life changes - which may be awhile. Here's some pics of the kids and the newest edition to the madness.
Here's the kids before O entered the scene
- they seem so much bigger now!-
The newest little peanut . . .
Momma and O immediately after the surgery
Our latest family portrait
Curious kids