Saturday, June 6, 2009


Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. I do think about posting almost everyday, but when the time comes to do it (which is usually after I am exhausted from putting the kids to bed), I decide not too. Let's see...what does a mom of 3 have to thought...I don't think adding more kids would increase the chaos at times TOO much. But a mom of 4 might disagree. Sometimes I wonder if people watch me and think, "wow, she is really overwhelmed" and other times maybe they say, "wow, she's got this mom of 3 thing down!". So, whichever category you fit into, you are right. I feel like both is true at different times throughout my day. But, then I try and sit and be thankful to God for his grace.

It truly is by his grace that my sanity does stay with me at times...HA! My sis and bro-in-law can attest to that! They stayed with us last week. Let me tell you, what a week it was. It was just one of those weeks as a mom that you want to crawl up on a ball on the couch and lay under the blanket...can I get an amen??? I call it going into my cave. The reason was my middle child has problems sometimes being constipated. Without going into much detail, she had several days where she was in A-GON-Y. I literally had to sit with her on the floor for hours. Poor little thing...but is fine now. I also have a game plan to make sure this doesn't happen again. But what a blessing my house guests were!

So, I guess I will name this post "vent" because I feel a little better now...hmm, maybe I should post more!

A little side note: we have begun the process of looking for a home to purchase. We are in the waaay beginning. I've seen some I like from the outside, but haven't gone in yet. We'll see. If you pray for us, there are some things I'm asking the Lord for: 1. a house that is close to the church (no more than 10 min.) 2. one that is no more than 15 minutes from my parents 3. a good backyard for the kids. Of course there are other things I would like (like a front porch - I've LOVED ours in our rental house), but most are negotiable - well, except what we can afford. So, we'll see what the Lord provides! He is good and he knows exactly what we need - our current residence is proof of that! He provided in amazing ways with it!

Some fun summer things we are doing:
1. J in swimming lessons 2 days a week
2. Play group at the pool - crazy with 3 kids...
3. Day Camp for J in 2 weeks - yippee!!!!
4. Enjoying our evenings reading books on the front porch (until it gets too hot)
5. Hanging with our cousins who are finally out of school!!!

Favorite picture! neice at M's bday party

"Ee-ya"- M pronounces it like that.

Playing in the rain - look at outfit closely


Michelle L. said...

Glad you posted! Love the goggles in the bathtub. :) You're a GREAT mom, even if you do feel overwhelmed sometimes. Your kids are blessed to have you.

Gina said...

LOL at the pic of Maiella. Zingata. WElcome to the club little one.

Anonymous said...

i want them all to come over to my house- now.