Monday, August 17, 2009

Then and Now

My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Last weekend I was able to see my LU friends. SO FUN! I have not laughed that hard for that long in years! Most of us had not seen each other in a long time. Some of us, not since college (11 years ago) and I kid you not...we picked up right where we left off. I felt like I was 18 again. These are girls that I can be myself with. Girls that it's mostly about being goofy and playing pranks on each other. We all have different lives now. God is teaching each of us about trust in different ways. Some in harder ways than others. But, in some ways we haven't changed a bit. It was really refreshing and I thank God for these friends. He put them each in my life for a specific purpose. And the older I get the more I see why too. We serve an awesome God and I love that he created laughter as good medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Can't wait till we do it again.

Have we changed much??????


Gina said...

So great. Di, you are like a fine wine if you catch my drift. Everyone looks great.

Diana said...

I had to think about that. yea, not the best "early" pix of me. :o)

Heb said...

what a sweet post! it was such a fun weekend! Glad that we are keeping in touch better now! I think you are so cute in your GI Joe shirt...we should have both worn our old shirts out! Miss you friend! Please come down to MISSISSIPPI and see me!:)