Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

So, the Christmas days have come and sad. I've got a little bit of the after Christmas my hubby is gone for the that's a double downer! Here are the highlights of Christmas and some highlights of life right now!

Christmas Eve at my parents is always fun. Yummy food and lots of tradition. We missed my bro and his family this year...all were sick :o(

So, I'm not big on matching the girls, but Christmas dresses are a must!

One of the traditions - an adult gets sucked in to dressing up as Santa. This year...Pop Pop! M doesn't talk much and she studies people. By the end she figured out who it was.

No, its not a real 4-wheeler! - I would be on it if it were!!!! One day folks, one day.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit! We loved having them here and the kids had a blast seeing them.

Our freezing day at Stone Mountain! But, it was fun!

Other big news.....

No, I'm not pregnant.

O is officially walking! Yesterday, January 3rd was the day that she walked more than she crawled. She is so proud of herself!

And Jake is riding a bike without training wheels. Since he is pretty tall, he now looks like he is riding a mini bike. His legs are pedaling really fast...I guess it's time to get a new one. No picture. Sorry!


Gina said...

M doesn't talk much? I didn't know that. But then again, I guess there is lots I don't know about your kids. Stinkin' Georgia!!!

Diana said...

she's fully talking, but she's more of an observer. Where Jake talks your ear off. She has to feel comfortable with the person before she starts really talking. I know. I feel the same way. Our families need to spend some time together in the near future.

Gina said...

Oh, and I love seeing that picture of mama and papa. Tell them I love them and miss them. Maybe I'll stay at their house one night...just for old times sake.

I know M is talking, I just didn't relaize she chooses to be quiet a lot. Again, can't wait to see her in person.