Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My little girl

I decided to title this post by her full name because I don't get to use it much and I think it's a beautiful name (I'm biased). But also her name has special meaning for us. Her namesake is representing my mom and Jon's mom. M is my grandmothers (my mom's, mom) maiden name. The story behind the name is that my great grandfather grew up in an orphanage (so did my grandfather, but that's another story). When he got to the orphanage he came without a name. So, they named him after the orphanage. It's Italian and I'm proud of that heritage. Her middle name is taken from Jon's mom. M has two Godly grandma's. Grandma's who pray for her. Grandma's who would give up most things to spend time with her. I'm so glad she carries their names.

With the upcoming birth of our son or daughter, I've been thinking about how M will no longer be the baby. We call her "baby girl" alot, so what will we do if we have another girl? I'm sure we'll think of something. But, I decided to have a post dedicated to her before she becomes the middle child. Plus, after your first, each one after that gets the shaft a lot. J had hours of video taken of him. M..., well not sure. I just got her one year pictures done (she's 17 months). I wish I could post it (no scanner). It came out great!

Here's some highlights of what she loves to do or a glimpse of her personality:
  • Loves her dolls - it's fun to see her be a mommy to them
  • Talking a lot and repeats everything you say
  • She LOVES to dance. This girl shakes her booty every time she hears music. Even if she hears some type of beat and it's not music.

  • Loves her daddy - a daddy's girl and I love it. She lights up when he walks into a room or she hears his car.
  • One of my favorite things she does right now is if she doesn't know where I am she'll yell, "Momma, whe a ooo?" interpreted: Momma, where are you? Love it!
  • She's got crazy hair. It's calmed down a lot, but now it falls into her face. Her first hair cut will be soon.

She is a fun little girl and makes us laugh all the time. I've been praying for her little heart for when the baby comes. She'll be trying to figure out who's this alien that came into our house. I know she'll be a good big sis. M, I love you sweet girl! You are a joy to us.


Anonymous said...

Yes - my name made the blog!! The curse has been broken!!

tp said...

love this! sweet girl :) i wish i saw her more... and all of you!

Gina said...

Nope. No curse has been broken. This one brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could squeeze her. But, the next time I see her, she won't know who this loud crazy lady is who is squeezing and kissing all over her. Oh well, call me Crazy Aunt GiGi!