Saturday, November 1, 2008

oohhh, yummy candy

Here are some pictures from Halloween! Ever since leaving camp we have carried on the tradition of roasting hot dogs over a camp fire and then heading out into the neighborhood. I was praying this year for someone to let us borrow a 4-wheeler so we could take the kids on a hay-ride through the neighborhood (a long time tradition we did at many memories) and give out candy, but none became available. One day we'll have one. My parents and the Fox's joined us. We had fun and the kids had a blast! My J and H were so excited running from one house to the next. Lots of yummy candy. Not good for a woman in her 9 month trying to not gain any more weight...arggh!!!

J was suppose to be a pirate, but decided at the last minute he wanted to be a baseball player. I was in no state to say no (rough preggie day). We had everything, so what did it matter? He's wearing Braves attire and we're not really even Braves fans. I guess we are now!

Soon our two families will equal 7 kids. We over doubled in size in less than 2 years. Figure that one out.

Finally got M to put a pirate hat on.

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